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You create your thoughts

and your thoughts

create your intentions,

and your intentions create your reality.

– Wayne Dyer

Who Are you?

Life Transforming Center asks you, Who Are You?

Understanding who we are from within is essential, and it’s empowering. It’s the key to leading a life that’s not just fulfilling but purposeful.

It allows us to understand our values, beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses and make choices and decisions that align with our true selves.

This alignment doesn’t just lead to greater happiness; it brings a genuinely fulfilling sense of inner peace and contentment. Without strong self-awareness, we risk living a life not aligned with our true desires and goals, leading to confusion, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness.

That’s why it’s so important to take the time to understand ourselves and to reflect on who we are and what we want. It’s the first step to living a truly fulfilling life. So, What are you?

A Human

A Spiritual Being

A Woman

A Daughter, A Wife, A Mother

A Son, A Husband, A Father

A Family Member

A Friend

A Member of a Community

A Student, A Teacher, A Boss

A Child of Life

A Member of the Universe

A Par of the Universal Consciousness

Who Are you?

Body, Mind, and Soul?
Energies, Frequencies, and Vibrations?

Life Transforming Center
Who Are You? | Life Transforming Center

Who Am I?

It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one point or another.   Are you defined by your job, your relationships, or your hobbies?

Indeed, you are much more than the sum of your job, relationships, or hobbies.  Though it may require time and effort, the journey of self-discovery is crucial. 

It’s a journey worth taking, and it can inspire and motivate you. It holds the key to living a truly fulfilling life.

So, who are you?  The answer to that question lies within you, waiting to be discovered.  Uncovering your passions, values, and beliefs is an exciting journey that can fill you with curiosity and joy.

It’s about understanding your strengths and weaknesses and learning to embrace them.  It’s about discovering what makes you unique and not just accepting but celebrating that uniqueness. 

In short, it’s about learning to love and accept yourself for who you are and feeling empowered and confident in your skin.  But it gets deeper!


The Hermetic Principle of Mentalism  “The All is Mind.  The Universe is Mental.”

We at Life Transforming Center agree with this principle.  

Our thoughts and beliefs significantly impact our reality, and it is crucial to understand this fact to start manifesting our desired reality. 

We can create the life we want by changing our thoughts and beliefs.  It is essential to take responsibility for everything we create by being aware of our thoughts and the quality of our beliefs. 

Once we understand that we are one with the creator, we can tap into our creative power and manifest our reality.  Understanding this gives you a powerful tool to create the life you want.  

This phenomenon is better explained by quantum physics.

“To be yourself in a world constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

So, how do you discover who you are? It’s not always easy, but it starts with taking the time to reflect on your life and your experiences.

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What are your passions?
  • What are your values?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What makes you happy?
  • What are your goals?

Reflecting on these questions can help you better understand yourself. Remember, self-discovery is ongoing, and there is always time to start. So, take the first step today and discover who you indeed are.

a women holding a sign saying Who Am I?

brown wooden dock on sea during sunset

Is This Possibly You?

Do you need to change your life and want to do it sooner than later, or more like yesterday? But you need to figure out where to start.

  • You only have a little money.
  • Your health needs to improve.
  • You have too many bad habits.
  • You are facing living alone.
  • You are in a state of anxiety.
  • The days come and go, and nothing is changing.

If you want to set and achieve goals, the Life Transforming Center (LTC) may be an excellent place to achieve them.

To Learn Who You Truly Are,

You Must Develop

Self-Awareness & Mindfulness

Awareness via an eye


Self-awareness is the most critical aspect of personal development. It determines nearly everything else, including whether you can stay motivated and achieve your goals. As you peel away the layers, you’ll discover beautiful things about yourself as you become more aware. 

With self-awareness, you can change deeply held beliefs if they don’t serve you well. The journey of self-discovery is never-ending and filled with surprises and adventures in your inner landscape.  

When you become self-aware, you know your strengths, weaknesses, and personality type. But it’s more than this. Fully knowing yourself includes being aware of your thoughts and watching them objectively as an observer, without emotion or attachment.  

You might tell yourself, “Now I’m experiencing anger.” You can then ask yourself why you’re getting angry and where that anger is coming from. Indeed, your soul is not angry. 

“To have greater self-awareness or understanding means to have a better grasp of reality.”  – Dalai Lama.

Of course, to make decisions, you’ll also make judgments. They’re a necessary part of life. Yes, the boy was rude, but the most essential part of this situation is what Emily could gather from it. Likewise, you can use situations in your life to become more aware of yourself.  

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” – Carl Gustav Jung. 


To be self-aware means you’re conscious of the following: 

✓ Your goals 

✓ The events, thoughts, and beliefs that make you happy and sad 

✓ Your strengths and weaknesses 

✓ Your values and beliefs 

✓ Your philosophy in life 

✓ Your achievements, how you accomplished them, and what you learned  from them 

✓ Your failures, how they came about, and how to prevent them from  recurring 

✓ How you relate to others 

✓ How you see yourself and others



Like most people, you have a mixture of both personality types. You may express some aspects of your personality in an introverted way and others in an extroverted way. 

For example, you may be more of an extrovert and team-oriented at work. You like the energy generated by a group working towards the same goals. However, you may feel uncomfortable and insecure when you’re required to work alone. 

On the other hand, during your time, you may learn more about enjoying meditation, reflection, and quiet activities instead of pursuing the adventures of a social butterfly.  

Once you’re aware of your tendencies, you may want to occasionally get out of your comfort zone to increase your flexibility. This will enable you to be more comfortable in diverse situations. 

“The outward freedom that we shall attain will only be in exact proportion to the inward freedom we may have grown at a given moment. And if this is a correct view of freedom, our chief energy must be concentrated on achieving reform from within.”  – Mahatma Gandhi. 

Who Are You? | Life Transforming Center

Just as the Caterpillar thought he would die, he Transformed Into a Beautiful Butterfly!

Start the Discovery of You

Who Are You?


Reality Mindset


Who Are You
Understanding oneself is critical to navigating life’s journey. It involves exploring self-help tips, taking self-assessment tests, and delving into the depths of self-awareness. The question “Who are you?” becomes a personal quest for self-realization and fulfillment.

women without a face, with log hair

Why Should I Join the Center and Become a Quantum Transformer? A Quantum Transformer actively seeks personal development, self-improvement, and Transformation. By joining the Center, you’ll take a significant step towards becoming the best version of yourself, just like a Quantum Transformer.


Our courses are priced between $9.99 and $39.99 each, making them affordable for everyone. We understand the importance of financial security, which is why we also offer several free downloads so you can get a taste of what we offer before committing.

On your site, you can choose from two memberships designed to cater to your unique needs and preferences.

  1. Free: You can access the site’s free downloads (which are found throughout the site), excluding The Center.
  2. Monthly: $9.99
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With the Virtual Center Paid Membership, you’ll gain exclusive access to Premium Content unavailable on the site’s Free material. This content, including videos, eBooks, cheatsheets, etc., is designed to help you make significant changes in your life and with your Transformation.


It’s a decision that can bring you immense benefits.    You will also have access to the Private Facebook Group Chat, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and get personalized support on your journey to becoming a Quantum Transformer.

The type of Premium Content The Center offers:

The Center offers a wide range of Premium Content on Health, Happiness, Meditation, Motivation, Attitude, Gratefulness, and more. We are also adding courses for anyone wanting to start an online business. Or any business. We are not promoting a specific company. We offer classes to help anyone interested in changing careers or wanting to start a business. This content is designed to give you the knowledge and tools to do what you want.


We use various formats, such as:

Our content is diverse in topics and formats. We cater to your learning style with videos, eBooks, PowerPoints, Audio, Quizzes, Images, Quotes, Checklists, Mind Maps, and more. You’ll find something that resonates with you.


And Coming Soon:

Webinars (Free to members,) Live Broadcasts, and Podcast

New Contents are uploaded monthly.

*Being a paid member is the best and quickest way to become a Quantum Transformer.*

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