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You and I possess within ourselves at every moment of our lives, under all
circumstances, the power to transform the quality of our lives.

– Werner Erhard

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 Going through a Transformation…

    Going through a Transformation will require that you Open your Mind and Take a New Path to embark on your new Life’s Journey. 

At Life Transforming Center, 

We light Up Your Paths & we Enrich Your Life’s Journeys

There are no limits  to what you can achieve, what you can have, 

what you can do, or who you can be.  

You need the proper knowledge, the right mindset, and the right 

frequency and vibrational energy. 

That is why the Life Transforming Center is here.

Your only limitations are your thoughts.


  The Essentials of Personal Transformation


  Feeling stuck or frustrated with life often precedes the decision to transform personally.

  Making a meaningful change is both exciting and distressing.

  Our brains are wired to make change uncomfortable and more challenging than necessary.

  Focusing on the most critical aspects of personal change can make the process smoother and more accessible and dramatically enhance the odds of success.


    Include these essentials in your personal transformation process:


  1. Decide. Making a decisive decision is not just a step; it’s a leap toward your transformation. It’s the most powerful thing you can do. A correct decision cuts off all other possibilities. Most of us fail to decide honestly. We need to make more robust decisions and stick with them. The constant fluctuation between multiple options is worse than not deciding at all.


  • Narrow your options to just a few choices, and then pick one. After the careful consideration you’ve done in the narrowing process, one choice is probably as good as another when you only have a couple of options left. Picking a sub-optimal
    The choice is also better than failing to make a choice.


  1. Create a deadline and a realistic but challenging timeline for your transformation. Have you ever noticed how projects expand to fill the allotted time? If your boss gave you two weeks to complete a project, you’d probably be scrambling at the last minute to get it done.


  • Choose a reasonable deadline that is not too stressful but still aggressive. You can get more accomplished than you realize. This deadline will keep you focused and motivated, pushing you to achieve more than possible.
  • The lack of a timetable ensures the transformation process will take much longer than necessary.


  1. Have an exciting vision. Ensure you clearly understand how your transformation will positively impact your life. If that vision doesn’t excite you, you’ll need a new vision for your future. Making a significant change is challenging. Without a compelling, expected future, it will be hard to persevere.
  2. Address your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs doesn’t directly restrict your ability to transform. However, they can severely limit your ability to take action. If you don’t believe you can succeed, you’ll never complete the hard work required to see a transformation.


  • List all your beliefs about yourself and the world that could limit your progress. For instance, ‘I’m not good enough, ‘‘I don’t deserve success, ‘or ‘I’m too old to change. ‘ Address each of them one by one. Make a list of counterexamples of that belief. What is the disadvantage of continuing to accept that belief? What new belief could you install in its place?
  • Finding and eliminating all your limiting beliefs is challenging, but doing so guarantees your ultimate success.
  • Consider any past experiences that make you feel like a failure. These memories can often hold clues to your limiting beliefs.


  1. Measure your progress. Any significant transformation will take time. Weight is lost a little, and skills are gained over time. Develop a way to track your progress and review it regularly. Seeing progress is not just motivating; it’s a testament to your hard work and dedication. It lets you know where you stand and gives you a reason to celebrate your journey.


   Making a successful personal transformation is one of the quickest ways to change your life positively.

Image quote: Never underestimate The Power of a New Beginning

  Create a compelling future, a vision of your life that excites and motivates you.

  Be determined to reach it by your deadline.

  Work on your limiting beliefs.

  They are the most significant impediment to your ability to change. Finally, measure your progress along your journey.

  The feedback and motivation it provides are invaluable.

blue background with text Transformation ...Loading

 Going through a Transformation…

    Going through a Transformation will require that you Open your Mind and Take a New Path to embark on your new Life’s Journey. 

At Life Transforming Center, 

We light Up Your Paths & we Enrich Your Life’s Journeys

There are no limits  to what you can achieve, what you can have, 

what you can do, or who you can be.  

You need the proper knowledge, the right mindset, and the right 

frequency and vibrational energy. 

That is why the Life Transforming Center is here.

Your only limitations are your thoughts.


  The Essentials of Personal Transformation


  Feeling stuck or frustrated with life often precedes the decision to transform personally.

  Making a meaningful change is both exciting and distressing.

  Our brains are wired to make change uncomfortable and more challenging than necessary.

  Focusing on the most critical aspects of personal change can make the process smoother and more accessible and dramatically enhance the odds of success.


    Include these essentials in your personal transformation process:


  1. Decide. Making a decisive decision is not just a step; it’s a leap toward your transformation. It’s the most powerful thing you can do. A correct decision cuts off all other possibilities. Most of us fail to decide honestly. We need to make more robust decisions and stick with them. The constant fluctuation between multiple options is worse than not deciding at all.


  • Narrow your options to just a few choices, and then pick one. After the careful consideration you’ve done in the narrowing process, one choice is probably as good as another when you only have a couple of options left. Picking a sub-optimal
    The choice is also better than failing to make a choice.


  1. Create a deadline and a realistic but challenging timeline for your transformation. Have you ever noticed how projects expand to fill the allotted time? If your boss gave you two weeks to complete a project, you’d probably be scrambling at the last minute to get it done.


  • Choose a reasonable deadline that is not too stressful but still aggressive. You can get more accomplished than you realize. This deadline will keep you focused and motivated, pushing you to achieve more than possible.
  • The lack of a timetable ensures the transformation process will take much longer than necessary.


  1. Have an exciting vision. Ensure you clearly understand how your transformation will positively impact your life. If that vision doesn’t excite you, you’ll need a new vision for your future. Making a significant change is challenging. Without a compelling, expected future, it will be hard to persevere.
  2. Address your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs doesn’t directly restrict your ability to transform. However, they can severely limit your ability to take action. If you don’t believe you can succeed, you’ll never complete the hard work required to see a transformation.


  • List all your beliefs about yourself and the world that could limit your progress. For instance, ‘I’m not good enough, ‘‘I don’t deserve success, ‘or ‘I’m too old to change. ‘ Address each of them one by one. Make a list of counterexamples of that belief. What is the disadvantage of continuing to accept that belief? What new belief could you install in its place?
  • Finding and eliminating all your limiting beliefs is challenging, but doing so guarantees your ultimate success.
  • Consider any past experiences that make you feel like a failure. These memories can often hold clues to your limiting beliefs.


  1. Measure your progress. Any significant transformation will take time. Weight is lost a little, and skills are gained over time. Develop a way to track your progress and review it regularly. Seeing progress is not just motivating; it’s a testament to your hard work and dedication. It lets you know where you stand and gives you a reason to celebrate your journey.


   Making a successful personal transformation is one of the quickest ways to change your life positively.

Image quote: Never underestimate The Power of a New Beginning

  Create a compelling future, a vision of your life that excites and motivates you.

  Be determined to reach it by your deadline.

  Work on your limiting beliefs.

  They are the most significant impediment to your ability to change. Finally, measure your progress along your journey.

  The feedback and motivation it provides are invaluable.

Other than a few situations that people have no control over, WE are standing by our statement because we have Science and Testimonials backing it up, including our own.

Now that being said, we also say this: “Unless you are exposed to the knowledge that scientists have uncovered that can affect your life, you will not be able to discover the powers that you hold within you fully.  At the same time, you must understand Spirituality.  It is not religion; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

So, whenever anyone wants to change, specific logical steps will work better than others.  It is also true that not everyone learns the same way, feels the same way, and is presently on the same page.  That is also why everyone must take their own path.

People near you and all around the world are already doing it.

Do not say: “Oh, they were born rich, and life is easy for them.”

Please do not say this because it is a false statement that I don’t want you to believe.

Remember this: What you say, you become.  What you believe you achieve.



You cannot Transform Your Life if you are not being 100% honest with yourself.

Remember that transformation starts with having a clear mind about who you are.

Don’t be subjective with your thoughts, but instead, be objective.

So, it is essential to focus on Banishing Limited Beliefs.

Here is what you need to focus on.

  1. 1. Ask yourself if the belief is true.  

  • Read the belief aloud and ask, “Do I know this is true?” 

  • Answering ‘no’ to yourself might seem silly, but simply stating that the belief might not be true gives you permission,  subconsciously, to continue and examine the belief more objectively. 

  • 2. Determine the source of the belief.  

  • How did I get this belief? Where did it come from?  
  • Sometimes, we believe things with great certainty, but when we think about it, we’re unsure why.

  • If you’re going to base your decisions around a belief, that belief should have either come from an expert or a lot of personal experience.  

  • An expert should be someone who started where you are and then achieved what you want to achieve. 

  • 3. Your declaration.  

  • Declare to yourself,

  • 4. “I don’t believe this anymore. It’s not  true.” 

  • Now look for proof to show yourself that it’s not true.

  • What would your life be like without this belief? 

  • How would you change?  

  • How would your life change? 

  • 5. Replace the belief.  

  • Find another belief that counteracts the old belief.  

  • Eliminating the limiting belief is good, but replacing it with something positive is even better!

  • Find evidence that this new belief is valid.  

  • Keep adding evidence until you feel comfortable with the new belief.

6. Test yourself. 

  • Observe your feelings, behavior, and results after replacing the belief.  

  • Once you’ve eliminated and replaced the old belief with something you like better, you’ll feel and behave differently,  producing more pleasing results! 

Other than a few situations that people have no control over, WE are standing by our statement because we have Science and Testimonials backing it up, including our own.

Now that being said, we also say this: “Unless you are exposed to the knowledge that scientists have uncovered that can affect your life, you will not be able to discover the powers that you hold within you fully.  At the same time, you must understand Spirituality.  It is not religion; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

So, whenever anyone wants to change, specific logical steps will work better than others.  It is also true that not everyone learns the same way, feels the same way, and is presently on the same page.  That is also why everyone must take their own path.

People near you and all around the world are already doing it.

Do not say: “Oh, they were born rich, and life is easy for them.”

Please do not say this because it is a false statement that I don’t want you to believe.

Remember this: What you say, you become.  What you believe you achieve.



You cannot Transform Your Life if you are not being 100% honest with yourself.

Remember that transformation starts with having a clear mind about who you are.

Don’t be subjective with your thoughts, but instead, be objective.

So, it is essential to focus on Banishing Limited Beliefs.

Here is what you need to focus on.

  1. 1. Ask yourself if the belief is true.  

  • Read the belief aloud and ask, “Do I know this is true?” 

  • Answering ‘no’ to yourself might seem silly, but simply stating that the belief might not be true gives you permission,  subconsciously, to continue and examine the belief more objectively. 

  • 2. Determine the source of the belief.  

  • How did I get this belief? Where did it come from?  
  • Sometimes, we believe things with great certainty, but when we think about it, we’re unsure why.

  • If you’re going to base your decisions around a belief, that belief should have either come from an expert or a lot of personal experience.  

  • An expert should be someone who started where you are and then achieved what you want to achieve. 

  • 3. Your declaration.  

  • Declare to yourself,

  • 4. “I don’t believe this anymore. It’s not  true.” 

  • Now look for proof to show yourself that it’s not true.

  • What would your life be like without this belief? 

  • How would you change?  

  • How would your life change? 

  • 5. Replace the belief.  

  • Find another belief that counteracts the old belief.  

  • Eliminating the limiting belief is good, but replacing it with something positive is even better!

  • Find evidence that this new belief is valid.  

  • Keep adding evidence until you feel comfortable with the new belief.

6. Test yourself. 

  • Observe your feelings, behavior, and results after replacing the belief.  

  • Once you’ve eliminated and replaced the old belief with something you like better, you’ll feel and behave differently,  producing more pleasing results! 

About Your Life | Life Transforming Center

So, we All need to ask ourselves these important questions.

  • Who am I?
  • How do others see me?
  • What do I want?
  • What is my passion?
  • Am I happy?

Those questions are more challenging to answer than one can imagine. It’s easy to respond quickly, but it takes deep thinking to answer those questions seriously.

Would you be happy:

  • About the idea of decluttering your mind.
  • About the concept of mentally relaxing?
  • Being Healthy?
  • To quickly get your home organized and clean.
  • To start that project you have wanted to do.
  • To have an amount of energy and strength beyond the normal you?
  • To have the money and live the life you want.
  • To travel where and when you want?
  • To help the people and charities you want.
  • To buy that new car.
  • To know you radiate health, happiness, and love?
  • To discover your powers.
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • Etc.

You can add all you want to this list.

There are no limits To what you can achieve, what you can have, what you can do, or who you can be.
The best approach is to have the proper knowledge, mindset, frequency, and vibrational energy. That is why the Life Transforming Center is here.

Your only limitations are your thoughts.

Start the Transformation

Healing With Positive Affirmations

Steps For Transforming Oneself


Some Requirements for Success With Life Transforming Center


What you need to have:

  1. You and Your willingness to try

  2. A computer, a laptop, a Tablet, or a smartphone

  3. Something to take notes by hands

What You Need to Do:

1. Education = Learning = Knowledgable

2. Knowledgable = Powers

3.  Powers = Easily transform your Life For the Best Version of Who You Are


It would be best if you started by familiarizing yourself with our Life-Transforming Site.

Remember to read instead of skipping over everything.

Click on the free downloads you view and download them if you wish.

Have an open mind, and remove limited beliefs.  Look at Our Blogs, and don’t forget to view our list of presently available courses, which includes:

Our Blogs

Our Courses are Personal development, mindfulness, and leadership.  More courses will be added weekly.

You can choose one of the three membership options available: free, $9.99 monthly, or $99.99 yearly.