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“Do not go where the path may lead,

go instead where there is no path

and leave a trail.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


The question “What is life?” has puzzled scientists, philosophers, and ordinary people for centuries.

There is no one answer to this question, as the meaning of life depends on one’s perspective and beliefs.

Some people view life as a journey with a specific purpose or meaning, while others see it as a series of experiences that should be enjoyed to the fullest.

Still, others may view life as a temporary state that ultimately leads to death.

Ultimately, the answer to “What is life?” may never be fully understood, but it is a fascinating and important question to explore.

About Your Life.

What is Life?

small images of the evolution of life, following the shape of a sea shell

Life is defined as any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli.

It is a question we have all asked ourselves at one point or another.

How about Your Life?

Are you defined by your job, your relationships, or your hobbies?
The truth is, you are much more than the sum of these things. Determining who you are from within is a journey of self-discovery, which takes time and effort. But it’s a journey worth taking because understanding who you are is the key to living a fulfilling life.

So, who are you? The answer to that question lies within you. It’s about uncovering your passions, values, and beliefs.

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” ~ William Shakespeare

Are you the one who controls your life, or is your life controlling you? Which road should you take? Do you know which path will lead you to where you want to be?

Only a handful of people can successfully create and shape their destiny, while most end up aimlessly cruising through life, hoping that one day, their predetermined fate will step in and lady luck will shine on their lives.

If you want to live with purpose, the first thing you must do is remember that, more than anyone or anything else, you have the sole power to create the destiny you have defined.

It is you who can prepare for the opportunities that are bound to come your way. It is you who make things happen. You do not just put your trust in fate. Creating your path and destiny is all up to you. That is the foremost thing you need to remember to live a life with purpose. Get all the info you need here.


“You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it fearlessly.” ~ Steve Maraboli Most people today are concerned that how they are doing their lives is not in sync with living their life’s purpose. But what are the basics of living on purpose? How will you be able to live a life that is aligned with your calling and authentic and put into action your goal every single day?

Start the Discovery of Your Life

7 Life Changing Hacks

Creating The Life You Love

Practical Personal Development

Mastering Your Destiny



Do you worry too much? 

  • Worrying is hard to stop and rarely helpful. We worry because we think it will help or can’t stop ourselves. 

  • Stress and anxiety are signs that something is wrong. 

  • The key is to notice that signal and begin working on a solution. 

  • These routines will put you on a positive path that can eliminate much of your worry. 

hour glass with a quote on fears


Implement a morning routine and take charge before worrying begins: 

When you wake up, spend 5 minutes focused on your breathing. 
Make every attempt to avoid thinking about anything other than your breathing. 
Get the day started right by controlling your thoughts. 
When your mind inevitably wanders, bring your attention back to your breath. 
Visualize success. 
Visualize yourself confidently and efficiently tackling your biggest worry. This powerful technique can inspire and motivate you to take charge of your concerns. 
Meditate or pray for 10 minutes. 
Remember, choosing how to put your mind into a positive and relaxed state is yours. 
This empowerment can help you control your stress and worry more.

During the Day:

Use the commute to work wisely.
It’s easy for your mind to run wild while sitting in the car, bus, or subway.
Find an audio program dedicated to relaxation or addressing your concerns.
Use the time to your benefit and keep your brain occupied positively.
Determine new habits that address your biggest worry.
For example, if you’re having financial challenges, several habits could be helpful, depending on your challenge:

  • Apply for three new jobs daily.

  • Take your lunch to work instead of eating out.

  • Carpool to work.

  • Review your spending each night for unnecessary expenditures.


Now imagine if you had implemented these habits five years ago.
Would you be in a better position today?
If so, you’re on the right track. Implement your new habits.
Developing habits that both avoid and solve your challenge is instrumental in eliminating your biggest worry from your life.
Once your mind focuses on a solution, it will create more positive messages and emotions.
Be mindful. While you’re in the shower, concentrate on cleaning yourself.
The same goes for brushing your teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast, etc.
Continue managing your thoughts throughout your morning routine.

bird on a stick with a quote


Keep your momentum going with a positive evening routine:
Review how well you did today.
Did you build on your new habits? 
On a scale of 1 to 10, how worried did you feel about your area of concern?
What could you have done better? 
Visualize success again.
Revel in the positive emotions evoked by your vision.
Focus on your breathing until you fall asleep.
It’s easy to worry while lying in bed with little else to do.
Counting your breaths until you fall asleep helps to clear your mind of items that worry you.
Use worry to signal that an issue in your life could be addressed.
Continuing to worry isn’t helpful and puts you in a less capable mental state.
Develop simple routines to eliminate worry from your life.
Focus on solutions rather than expending mental energy by spinning your wheels.


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Becoming a paid member means not just gaining access to knowledge and resources. You’re also becoming part of an exclusive community that grants you unrestricted access to all the free content on the site, the Course page contents, and all of the contents in The Center.

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The type of Premium Content The Center offers:

The Center offers Premium Content on Health, Happiness, Meditation, Motivation, Attitude, Gratefulness, etc.
We use various formats, such as:

  • Videos
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