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About Life Transforming Center

Welcome to our site.  If you are here for the first time, please just go ahead and enjoy the site and all that it offers.  If you are a returning client, then we say: Welcome Quantum Transformer.

This page is about Life Transforming Center, Linda and Stacy. 

At Life Transforming Center, We light Up Your Paths & we Enrich Your Life’s Journey.

Life Transforming Center is a virtual center created to guide you, stand by you, cheer you, and push you to transform your life. We are here to help you navigate the changes, ensuring you’re never alone. 

Changes are unavoidable in life. However, planning for them is the best way to handle any change.

Understand, believe, and repeat this statement to yourself every day. 

“I have control of most of everything that happens to me every day of my life.”

I’m sure many of you think we are pretty insane with this statement. We understand. 

We know that people go through challenging situations entirely out of their control. 

We don’t have control over what others may do to us. 

That is why we say: You have Control of MOST of everything… 

Other than a few situations that people have no control over, WE are standing by our statement because we have Science and Testimonials backing it up. Our approach is grounded in scientific research on personal development, and we have numerous testimonials from individuals who have successfully transformed their lives with our guidance. 

Now that being said, we also say this: “Unless you are exposed to the knowledge that scientists have uncovered that can affect your life, you will not be able to discover the powers that you hold within you fully.

So, whenever anyone wants to change, specific logical steps will work better than others. It is also true that not everyone learns the same way, feels the same way, and is presently on the same page. That is also why everyone must take their path.

People near you and all around the world are already doing it. 

Do not say: “Oh, they were born rich, and life is easy for them.” 

Please do not say this because it is a false statement that I don’t want you to believe. 

Remember this: What you say, you become. What you believe you achieve. 

So, we All need to ask ourselves these important questions. 

  • Who am I? 
  • How do others see me? 
  • What do I want?  
  • What is my passion?  
  • Am I happy?  

Those questions are more challenging to answer than one can imagine. It’s easy to respond quickly, but it takes deep thinking to answer those questions seriously.

There’s so much to do and learn at the Virtual Center. You will be able to learn to know yourself deeply. Also, remember that you will never be alone unless that is your desire.  


Most of all, you can transform Yourself, Your Life, or any part of your life. You will learn how easy it can be. Ready to take the first step? Sign up for our introductory course and start your journey towards personal transformation today.

Would you be happy:

  • About the idea of decluttering your mind. 
  • About the concept of mentally relaxing? 
  • Being Healthy? 
  • To quickly get your home organized and clean? 
  • To start that project you want to do,
  • To have the amount of energy and strength beyond the normal you?
  • To have the money and live the life you want. Our services are designed to help you achieve financial freedom and live a life of abundance. 
  • To travel where and when you want?
  • To help the people and charities you want?
  • To buy that new car.
  • To know you radiate health, happiness, and love?
  • To discover your powers.
  • You can add all you want to this list.
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • _______________________________________
  • Etc.


With the Life Transforming Center, there are no limits to what you can achieve, what you can have, what you can do, or who you can be. We’re here to help you unlock your full potential and find true happiness.  

You need the proper knowledge, the right mindset, and the right frequency and vibrational energy. By frequency and vibrational energy, we mean the positive energy and mindset that aligns with your goals and aspirations. That is why the Life Transforming Center is here to help you cultivate this energy.

Your only limitations are your thoughts. For instance, if you believe you cannot achieve something, that belief becomes a mental barrier. But once you change that thought, you can overcome any obstacle. This is the transformation we aim to facilitate at the Life Transforming Center.

Thank you for your time.  We hope you will find valuable information on our site.  We offer for free a host of content made to help you make the right decision and transformation you want and deserve.

Our business aims to help as many people as possible transform their lives for the better so they can live their best lives possible with the best version of themselves.

We use various tools to help you with your Journey.

First, this site includes hundreds of different contents, and more will be added regularly.  This site will grow to meet people’s needs.  We hope to hear from you and your suggestions and what you are looking to accomplish.

This site focuses on YOU.  We aim to educate you and make your transformation easy and fun.

About Us

Hello Everyone,

In addition to viewing the site and all it offers, we want to tell you a little About Us and why you should become a Quantum Transformer.

My name is Linda Zeno, and it is nice meeting you!

Since 2011, I have been studying, writing, sharing, and working on my business, Life Transforming Center. Having completely changed my life, I know firsthand what it takes to change oneself.

For years, I struggled in several aspects of my life.

I felt broken, a victim.  I endured traumas between the ages of ten and thirteen, which made me anxious, confused, depressed, and mad.  In my older years, I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,) Major Depression, and Anxiety Disorder.  I was living a double life.  A strong and invincible girl/woman and a victim packaged into one.

In 1998, I injured my knee.  Three surgeries later, I gained 30 lbs. in as little as six months.

My physical and mental downfall made it so that I had to take more and more medicine.  The side effects were not easy to deal with either.  But, I had to regain control of my life, health, and peace of mind.

More About Us

I was a victim, but I no longer am!

I had to change, and I had to do it immediately. No time was better than now. And one day, the changes started.

I attended a Meetup group- named The Millionaire Mindset. What I learned that night and the people I met changed my life. I learned about The Law of Attraction in a way never explained before. What I learned thrust me into motion, which led me to where I am today.

Of course, I had my doubts, but they were mostly about me.

  • I was still overweight.
  • My accent was strange, a mix of French Canadian and American English.
  • I had no Ivy League education except an A.S. in Radiology.
  • I was not young enough, pretty enough, thin enough, and rich enough.
  • I left my whole family and my country at the age of seventeen.

But again, I knew I had to change, and I could not wait anymore.

Take The First Step

luther king

Martin Luther King Jr.

I took the first step, one step at a time, using different paths to advance towards my goals. In the process, I’ve created new memories and started new journeys.

Linda Zeno's picture
Today, I made it. I am still growing and changing; life is always a work in progress, so it has yet to be done.

Changing your life, taking steps, and becoming a better you are one of the most rewarding life experiences.

You must Love Yourself, stick to your passions and Create your Goals.
You must Transform Your Life to fit your wants and needs that match what you love to do, love to give, love to smell, love to see, etc.

Lighting Your Paths and Enriching Your Life’s Journey

Are You Ready To:

  • See yourself changing and growing?
  • See yourself healthy in your mind and body?
  • See Yourself as a beautiful and powerful human being?
  • Know yourself deeply, what you love, what lights you up? Know how to dress for the best version of yourself?
  • Look in the mirror and worship the image reflected in you?
  • See yourself as the incredible person that you are?
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Think About This!

Many people want to make some change in their lives. There are several reasons why someone would need to change their life.

But most individuals are still determining what they want and need and how to get it all.

The fact is this: You can be thrilled, healthy, loved, and wealthy. You have the same powers within you to take the steps that will bring everything you want and need into your life.

Many people have low self-esteem in several areas of their lives. They are not pretty or handsome enough; they are overweight, and the list continues.

This cycle continues for weeks, months, and years, and it becomes a habit to think this way. Unless you change your mindset, your patterns will stay the same. It can be difficult to even think about changing, but that is because most people do not understand the natural power we have within us to make the changes happen at the Quantum Level, so therefore, at the Quantum Speed.

Becoming a Quantum Transformer means taking Quantum Leaps to the next level, on the path toward your “end goals,” which begins a new journey.

The site is filled with Free Content to read and download.  You will find free downloads on several key topics throughout this website to help in your journey.  There is also a Paid Membership for exclusive content.  Once you become a paid member, you will have everything that is free and special content, including live webinars.  You will also have access to all courses on the Courses page at no extra charge.

Whether you visit and use the site for free or a paid member, you can become a Quantum Transformer with either one.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to help you see who you are deep within yourself.

We believe deep knowledge of One-Self and the Universe is Key to All Success in anyone’s Life.

We aim to challenge and help you transform your Life for the better.

Our Mission Statement

We want to help you discover yourself and have a life-changing awakening about your incredible powers.

You will learn about your connections with an excellent source that will create a Paradigm Shift.

Our Purpose

A magical bookOur purpose is to open your whole inner and outer being to the world inside and outside you, even if you cannot see or feel it with your senses.

You must know these other realities, seeing the large and distant levels in the space around you and the small, atomic, and quantum levels.

It is also to open “your inner eye,” which is commonly known as the “Third Eye” or “Pineal Gland.”


women looking at the night sky

Why should I Join The Center and Become A Quantum Transformer Member?

Men walking into the doors of heaven

About Us: The Virtual Center provides members with Premium Content unavailable on the site’s Free part.

The content varies from videos to eBooks and courses.  It helps people make changes in their lives and helps them with their Transformation.

The courses cost around $19.99 each.  However, with membership at a low price of $9.99/month, $69.99/year, or $169.99 for a Lifetime Membership, it is an excellent decision to join and enjoy all the benefits.

What type of Premium Content does The Center offer?

The Center offers Premium Content on Health, Happiness, Wealth,  and Learning Who You Truly Are.

We use various formats, such as videos, eBooks, PowerPoints, quizzes, MindMaps, and, coming soon, webinars and live broadcast podcasts.  In addition, you have access to the resources you have, such as those listed below, to name a few.  New content is uploaded weekly.

Authentic Self

Beginners Guide To Meditation

Better Habits

Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Self-Esteem


Getting Things Done

Get What You Want

Health and Wellness

Mindful Meditation Mastery

Overcome Phone Addiction

Power Mindset Mastery

Super Charged Productivity

The Life-Changing Magic of Decluttering

The Success Brain

**Most of the material, including the courses, will be available for download at no extra cost.**

Meditation has numerous benefits for the mind, body, and soul, and we at Life Transforming Center have an excellent relationship with Meditation.

Regular Meditation can help you personally by reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, enhancing emotional well-being, and lowering blood pressure.

Meditation can also promote better sleep and overall physical health. Additionally, it can help increase self-awareness and promote a greater sense of inner peace and calm.

It has the potential to open your Crown Chakra (energy center), leading to an internal journey of beauty, acceptance, transformation, and longevity.

Incorporating Meditation into your daily routine can be a powerful tool to improve your overall quality of life.

Starting a meditation practice can be a simple and rewarding addition to your daily routine. Here are some tips to get started:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down without distractions.

2. Decide on a time and duration that works best for you. Even just a few minutes a day can be beneficial.

3. Choose a meditation technique that resonates with you. This could be a guided meditation, mantra meditation, or simply focusing on your breath.

4. Set an intention for your practice. This could be anything from reducing stress to increasing self-awareness.

5. Be patient and compassionate with yourself. Meditation is a skill that takes time to develop, and it’s okay if your mind wanders. Gently bring your attention back to your chosen focus.

Remember, the most important thing is to make Meditation a consistent part of your routine. Over time, you will start to experience the many benefits that Meditation can bring to your life.

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